Banking Exam

There are many entrance level and aptitudes taken by different banks and aptitudes taken by different banks for recruitments. Today have a look at various entry level examinations which are held by different banks or institutes for various positions. From Probationary Officer to Clerical staff, Regional Rural Banks to Private Banks

State Bank of India Probationary Officer
State bank of India conducts examination for vacancies for the post of probationary officers in the bank. The structure of the written examination of the PO exams by State bank of india includes a written examination which is a part of Phase-I of the selection process for the recruitments of probationary officers. Further the exam is divided into two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A of the exam will consist of objective Tests whereas; Part B will consist of a Descriptive Paper

IBPS Common Written Exam for Probationary Officer 
A common written examination (CWE) is conducted by the Institute of banking personnel selection (IBPS) as a pre-requisite for selection of personnel for probationary officer/Management Trainee posts in the public sector banks.

Private Banks
Private Banks mostly conduct their own aptitude test for candidates. For Example – ICICI Bank conducts its own it full time residential training programme, conducted at ICICI Manipal Academy campus, Bangalore. Applicants joining the probationary officer training programme will be enrolled for MBA in banking and finance with manipal university and UGC recognized University